The Different Types of Mattresses

The type of mattress you choose is really important for your comfort and health, so the type of mattress best for you depends on your needs. There are seven main types of mattresses which each have different features and benefits.

  1. Spring – Spring mattresses are the most basic of mattresses and have been around for years. They are fantastic value for money and come in a range of different comfort levels. The majority of the support comes via metal coils that run through the mattressfoam bed.
  2. Memory Foam – Memory foam contours to your body shape and then returns to its natural shape when the weight is lifted. This means your mattress will last longer. There are also different densities of memory foam available for different comfort levels which offer pressure relief for low, medium, and high risk.
  3. Gel – Like memory foam, gel mattresses contour to your body shape which gives you great support while you sleep as well as pressure relief. They also regulate your body temperature, by storing and releasing heat when you’re too cold, and drawing heat away from you and into the mattress when you’re too hot.
  4. Latex – Latex mattresses are incredibly durable which makes then great value for money if you’re planning on keeping your mattress for as long as possible. Like memory foam and gel they are very supportive and will mould to the shape of your body so are great for pressure relief. A latex mattress might be a great choice if you suffer from allergies as the materials are hypoallergenic and anti-microbial.
  5. Air – When you hear air mattresses you might be thinking camping equipment but pressure relieving air mattresses are used in the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers.
  6. Water – These mattresses are filled with water and are usually heated. They aren’t as popular as they used to be as better alternatives have become available.foam and air
  7. Hybrid – A Hybrid mattress is any mattress made up of two or more different materials whether it be spring and memory foam, foam and gel, or foam and air. Hybrid mattresses take the best features and benefits from each mattress type and combine them to get very high risk specifications, which are comfortable

If you have any questions about beds and mattresses you can:
Call us on: 01420 549481
Email us:
Or visit our showroom at: 25 Southview Rise, Alton, Hants, GU34 2AB.

Top Tips For Buying A New Bed

bedBuying a new bed can be a difficult decision, because there are lots of things to consider. Here are our top five tips for buying a new bed:

  1. The bigger the better – Larger beds are more comfortable. Not only do you have more space to stretch out, you are less likely to be disturbed if you’re sharing with a partner.
  2. You get what you pay for – We spend a third our lives in bed, which makes buying a bed one of the most important purchase you’ll make. So spend as much as you can afford to.
  3. Look to see if it’s NBF approved – It’s important you look for the National Bed Federation’s (NBF) ‘big tick’ mark of approval to be sure you’re buying a safe, clean and honest product from a reputable manufacturer.
  4. Buy a base and mattress that work for each other – You don’t want to buy a new bed base if you’re mattress doesn’t work with it. So consider the type of mattress and well as the base when making a purchase.
  5. Thinking ahead – It’s good to think ahead, you might have a static bed now and not need an adjustable bed but your needs or your partners needs might change so that an adjustable bed would be more suitable.bed2

If you have any questions about beds and mattresses you can:
Call us on: 01420 549481
Email us:
Or visit our showroom at: 25 Southview Rise, Alton, Hants, GU34 2AB.

Do you need a new bed?

The 1st of March marks the start of National Bed Month, the month dedicated to improving a good night’s sleep with a comfortable, supportive bed and mattress.bed month

If you answer ‘Yes’ to any of these questions you’re not getting the best possible night’s sleep possible. And answering ‘Yes’ to five or more means it’s definitely time to buy a new bed!

  • Is the mattress seven years old or more?
  • Would it be embarrassing if neighbours saw it without its covers?
  • Does it make suspicious noises in the night?
  • Did you have your best recent night’s sleep in a bed other than yours?
  • Are you waking up more frequently unrefreshed and aching?
  • Do you and your partner roll towards each other unintentionally in the middle of the night?
  • Do you have enough space to sleep comfortably?
  • Is it sagging?
  • Does it feel lumpy in the night?
  • Is the bed too small to give an undisturbed night’s sleep?
  • Is the divan or base uneven or sagging?
  • Are the legs and castors worn out?

Watch out for more posts about beds and mattresses!

If you have any questions about beds and mattresses you can:
Call us on: 01420 549481
Email us:
Or visit our showroom at: 25 Southview Rise, Alton, Hants, GU34 2AB.

The Topro Rollz Motion – A Walker & Wheelchair in one!

A great new product on the UK market is the Topro Rollz Motion, which is a useful walker and wheelchair in one. There are other rollator/wheelchairs on the market but they tend to be heavy and awkward to use. Rollz has listened to users and designed a product that suits their needs. The Rollz Motion is sleek and compact, looks good and is easy to use!Rollz2

Having a rollator that turns into a wheelchair gives you more freedom and flexibility.  The Rollz Motion is an ergonomically designed rollator with a strong but lightweight frame, which enables you to walk safely and securely. And if you get tired while you’re out and want to rest along the way, the Rollz Motion converts easily from a rollator to a wheelchair and back again.

The Rollz Motion is developed and pro

duced by the Dutch company Rollz. As you can tell they have put a lot of thought into the design. The easy to use drum brakes for example offer safe and balanced braking. The kerb assists on the back of the wheels help you get over thresholds and kerbs with ease, meaning you don’t have to lift the rollator/wheelchair up over them. The compact folding design means it can be packed away and put into a car. There is also a range of accessories that go with the Rollz which can be ordered separately such as a travel bag and a cane holder. The Rollz also comes in four different colours!hviyv

If you have any questions or would like to try out the Rollz Motion, you can:
Call us on: 01420 549481
Email us:
Or visit our showroom at: 25 Southview Rise, Alton, Hants, GU34 2AB.

Walkers & Rollators – Things to consider

For those who have difficulties walking unaided or experience problems with balance but wish to retain their independence, Walkers and Rollators can provide a valuable solution.
There are lots of different styles of walkers and rollators with different features, so depending on your needs there are lots to things to consider.
Below are some questions you should be asking yourself.

Lets_Go_Indoor_RollatorWhere will I be using it?
There are Indoor walkers which are slightly narrower then outdoor ones so that you can manoeuvre around your furniture more easily, they also tend to have smaller wheels.
Outdoor walkers have bigger more substantial wheels so that they can grip and cope with less even terrain.

Drive-Heavy-Duty-Bariatric-Rollator-Walker-with-La-10215rd-1Do I need a seat?
Having a seat on your rollator can be really important if you need the occasional break whilst walking, if you want to stop for a chat or just get tired of standing whilst waiting in line at a supermarket.
If you want a seat you will need a four wheel walker if not then a three wheel walker might suit you although they can be a little less stable than the four wheeled walkers.

w9b7q_Compact Tri-Walker Blue_723x800How heavy is it?
Depending on whether you will have to lift or transport the walker the weight of the walker could be very important.
The lightest walkers start from around 5kg (think five bags of sugar), and these are made of strong aluminium.
There are steel framed walkers available but these are much heavier and harder to transport. The weight of the walker/rollator also affects its  price: the cheaper the walker the heavier it’s going to be, so don’t be misled by apparent (often online) bargains!

18_troja2gkombiHow do I store it?
Almost all walkers and rollators fold up in some way – front to back or side to side. This makes them much easier to store when not in use (in a corner of a room or cupboard out of the way); those that fold side to side are usually more stable when folded than those which fold front to back.   There are even models which have an additional folding option which makes them more compact – ideal for putting in the boot of a car, the luggage compartment of a coach or the hold of an aeroplane!!

MPB-Rollatorschirmhalter_zommbluedayposterpictureWhat accessories do I need?
Most walkers and rollators come with a bag or basket to put things in, some even have both but there are lots of useful extras such as a cane or an umbrella holder. Trays and anti-slip mats are also available so you can carry drinks etc.

If you have any questions or would like to try out some Walkers and Rollators then you can:
Call us on: 01420 549481
Email us:
Or visit our showroom at: 25 Southview Rise, Alton, Hants, GU34 2AB.

Mobility Scooter Insurance

Do I have to insure my mobility scooter?
The short answer is no you don’t have to get insurance for your mobility scooter, BUT there are so many reasons it’s a good idea, the first being peace of mind!

What’s covered?mobilityscootercrash
Different insurance policies offer different cover but the majority will all have accidental damage cover which means if you damage your scooter the repairs will be covered.
Public liability cover is one of the most important things to consider because it covers you if you were to have an accident and hurt or damage someone and their property.

Who to use?
There are many different insurance companies, we recommend going for one that specialises in insuring mobility equipment such as the First Senior Group or Blue Badge Mobility Insurance.

If you would like to insure your mobility scooter or any other piece of mobility equipment then you can follow this link:
Or if you have any questions about taking out mobility scooter insurance you can:
Call us on: 01420 549481
Email us:
Or visit our showroom at: 25 Southview Rise, Alton, Hants, GU34 2AB

Quantum iLevel Powerchair

Out & About recently went to the launch of Quantum’s new Q6 Edge 2.0 with the TRU-Balance 3 seating system and the new revolutionary iLevel seat raiser

IMG_1981When we arrived the chair was being demonstrated outside in the car park. The first things we noticed was the speed the chair was able to move at, even when it was in the elevated position – travelling at 3.5mph. You could really imagine the user keeping shoulder to shoulder with a companion walking briskly because the iLevel is able to elevate 10”, enabling the user to interact “face to face” rather than “face to waist”.

The second thing we noticed was that the seat can be elevated whilst the chair is moving. Most other powerchairs have to be stationary if you want to raise the seat. Imagine if, as an able-bodied person walking in a group, you had to stop, get down on your knees and walk if you wanted to talk face to face to children,  then have to do the reverse to talk to their parents. With the Quantum iLevel it becomes one fluid motion equivalent to walking, bending and talking all at the one time.

Being able to elevate in a powerchair isn’t a new feature, but being able to elevate and lower whilst moving around  is! And it’s a feature which has increased the clients’ life enjoyment.

IMG_1277You might think that driving with the seat elevated would make the chair unstable but that isn’t the case. During the demonstration one of Quantum’s team members stood on the foot plate of the powerchair, and elevated it as he stood upon the footplate, the chair performed perfectly – not even a hint of a wobble! I can explain, because it was explained to us, that this remarkable stability is due in part to the weight of the base and to the ATX Active-Trac suspension, but it was quite clear to us that the driving force behind this and the other unique features of the iLevel Q6Edge 2.0  was the overall design ethos – to keep users safe and enhance their lives by hugely improving their interaction with their families, friends and generally helping them with their daily lives.

q6 edge coloursOne other feature shows just how much design thought has gone into this remarkable chair – when you recline the seat to get comfortable, the armrests stay still! If you’ve ever, unthinkingly, reclined in an ordinary powerchair you’ll know that anything resting on the arm – (a newspaper, a tray with your lunch on it or maybe just a cup of coffee) ends up in your lap or on the floor. We also felt this was a great feature as it meant that the client within the chair had easier access to the control systems.

Little things like this speak volumes about the thought that has gone into designing this chair.

They say that seeing is believing but if you’ll forgive the mix of metaphors the real proof of the pudding is in the eating. We were all able to try the iLevel Q6Edge 2.0 and came away even more convinced that this  mid-wheel drive, highly manoeuvrable Powerchair was a great step forward with benefits to the user that can make a real difference. This great chair  can be customised to further suit you. Options include different sizes, types of control as well as added extras like transfer aids – all designed to tailor the chair to your needs. Oh, and there’s also a choice of 12 colours!

IMG_1300During the demonstration our engineering apprentice was even allowed to take the chair apart so we could see how easily you can alter the seat dimensions. She was able to easily adjust the seat depth, the seat width, and the chairs arms by using just two Allen keys.

If you have any questions or would like more information about the new iLevel Q6 Edge 2.0 Powerchair you can:
Call us on: 01420 549481
Email us:
Or visit our showroom at: 25 Southview Rise, Alton, Hants, GU34 2AB.

Why service your mobility equipment?

All mobility equipment with electrical or moving parts such as scooters, riser recliners, adjustable beds and power chairs require regular servicing and maintenance. This is not only to ensure they are kept in good working order, but also so that they are kept safe for both the user and members of the public.

Here at Out & About we can service and repair all types of mobility equipment including mobility scooters, riser recliner chairs, walkers, wheelchairs, stairlifts, adjustable beds, and bathing equipment such as bathlifts.

Why Mobility Scooters?
Many people believe that mobility scooters do not require servicing as they are electrically powered. A mobility scooter needs a different maintenance routine to a vehicle with a combustion engine, but it is no less important. A number of the working parts of a mobility scooter are hidden beneath the body’s shell and require specialist knowledge and tools to access. It is important to remember that a mobility scooter still has safety critical elements such as brakes which need to be checked. This is even more important on 8mph scooters that are used on the road at higher speeds. This emphasises the need for good maintenance routines and checks. We recommend a yearly service.Martin servicing a scooter

To ensure that your mobility equipment is kept in good working order and safe to use, a regular service is required. If you have any questions or would like your mobility equipment serviced then you can:
Call us on: 01420 549481
Email us:
Or visit our showroom at: 25 Southview Rise, Alton, Hants, GU34 2AB.

Daily Living Aids – Arthritis

Around 10 million people in the UK have arthritis and it can affect all ages depending on the form of arthritis. Arthritis can have a drastic effect on someone’s day to day life and so we have listed some aids which can help with daily activities.

Getting around

  • Fischer Canes – The orthopedically shaped Fischer handle distributes pressure evenly across the hand, ideal for people who have difficulty gripping.
  • Walkers with Arthritic Attachments – These walkers are great for people with limited hand use and offer additional support in the form of padded gutters which allows you to rest your forearms comfortably.560806
  • Cane stay – Cane Stays enable you to lean your cane against a wall or counter when in and out of the home.MP-99500-3

Getting Washed & Dressed

  • Long Handled Sponges – A simple solution if you find it hard to reach certain areas due to stiff joints etc. Different shaped sponges are also available so you can even wash in between your toes with ease!aa1831b_a_1
  • Button & Zipper Hooks – Enable you to do up buttons and zips with ease and without fuss, ideal for those who are loosing dexterity in their hands and fingers.f22624.main
  • Dressing sticks – If you have trouble reaching and bending your arms then the dressing stick might be for you.F21462_4
  • Bra-Angel – The Bra-Angel was made specifically to assist those with mild to moderate upper limb restrictions or limited hand dexterity to fasten a bra.559668
  • Elastic Shoe laces –Enables you to slip your foot into your shoe and you won’t have to keep tying your shoe laces!F19406_4
  • Shoe horns – Shoe horns aid with sliding your foot into your shoes without the need to use your fingers.71w1dSBYIOL._SL1089_

In the Kitchen

  • Tap Turners – Taps can be quite hard and fiddly to grip but the soft textured handles of tap turners provide a comfortable and secure grip when placed over the head of the tap making it a lot easier to turn. There are different tap turners for different styles of tap head.Derby_Tap_Turners
  • Large Handled Cutlery – Cutlery with wider handles make them easier and more comfortable to grip. There is a choice of weighted or non-weighted as well as different handle material such as foam or rubber materials.$_35
  • Angled Utensils – Angled knives etc can take the strain off your wrists and make it easier to grip.N05461.MAIN
  • Jar/Bottle/Tin Openers – There are many different aids to help with opening containers such as anti-slip discs which help with gripping jars; electric can openers as well as an “easy squeeze” can opener.241
  • Two Handled Mugs – These are ideal for people who find it difficult to drink from standard mugs due to frail hands, weak wrists or not being able to grip enough.Wade-Dignity-Two-Handled-Mug-White
  • Kettle tippers – Kettle tippers reduce the strain on the wrists dramatically and the worry of spilling hot water down you as you aren’t having to pick up the weight of the kettle. You just have to fill the kettle up using a small jug then use the kettle tipper to pour your boiling water out.M82599_1000_667

In & Around the Home

  • Key turners – Key turners can hold up to three keys and provides extra leverage and grip. They are lightweight and the keys fold away into the handle when not in use.asn3172-blue-key-turner
  • Pill Poppers – Instead of having to fiddle with blister packs and drop your medication, the medication is collected in the tube and can be poured out into a hand or container.41Elq-mbmaL._SX300_
  • Plug tugs – Makes it easy to remove a plug from a socket and reduces the strain on the fingers and wrists.prodmainimg2300_grande
  • Pen/pencil grips – These go over your pens and pencils and give your something larger and softer to grip onto making it easier and more comfortable to write.G45849_4
  • Playing Card Holders – This makes holding a hand of cards very easy!vm705
  • Book Stand – For those people who like to read but find it hard to hold the book comfortably.M76667_835_1000
  • Big Button Phones – Phones with larger buttons make it much easier to dial numbers which is great for those with reduced dexterity.m76459.main
  • Long Handled Dustpan & Brush – The long handles eliminate the need to bend down or kneel on the floor, putting less strain on your joints.M52997_1
  • Easy Grip Gardening Tools – Easy grip tools are designed to increase grip and comfort when gardening. Ergonomically angled handles keep the hand and wrist in a natural position whilst gripping.m78172_c

If you have any questions or would like to order any of these daily living aids then you can:
Call us on: 01420 549481
Email us:
Or visit our showroom at: 25 Southview Rise, Alton, Hants, GU34 2AB.

How to choose the Riser Recliner for you – The Other Options

After you’ve chosen the action, the size and the style of backrest for your riser recliner there are a few other things to consider. Depending on each manufacturer there are different options and extras available. Some of the different options to think about are listed below.

There are lots of fabrics to choose from, and depending on your needs you might need one with certain attributes. The fabrics could be general domestic fabrics, waterproof, anti-microbial, flame retardant, stain resistant, breathable or a combination. For example if someone is prone to spilling drinks etc. then a stain resistant waterproof fabric might be appropriate.

Antimacassars & Arm caps
Antimacassars and arm caps provide added protection for the chair, helping to prevent staining and marking as well as general wear and tear ensuring that  your chair retains its “new look”. An added bonus of having antimacassars and arm caps is that they can easily be cleaned or replaced.
Pressure Care
The more time you spend in your chair the greater the risk of pressure problems. These can be prevented with appropriate cushioning. There are low, medium and high risk pressure care options.  The high risk options are for the people who already have, or are at a high risk of developing a pressure sore. It is important to check that your chosen chair manufacturer can supply what you need.
wooden arms
Wooden Handgrips
Some people find wooden hand grips a necessity as it gives them something easier to grip onto as they stand up, although you may prefer them just because of the style!

Neck Pillows
Depending on which back rest you have chosen you might feel that you need an added cushion to support your neck. Depending on the manufacturer there are different shaped pillows and different fillings available.

Wheels & Feet
There is usually a choice of solid feet or lockable castors. So if, from time to time, you want to move the position of your chair, then lockable castors would probably be useful.
Hazard Sensors
Hazard sensors are an added safety feature that some manufacturers offer. The sensor detects when something is in the way when your chair is being lowered and automatically stops the chair. This is very useful if small children or animals are likely to be around or if you were to drop something close to the chair!
Shroud Mechanism
The shrouded mechanism is for a combination of safety and aesthetics as the fabric covers the chairs mechanisms and reduces the risk of children or animals crawling underneath etc.
drop down arms
Drop Down Arms
Having drop down arms might not be a consideration for some, but for those who need to side transfer in and out of their chair they could be essential.

If you have any questions or would like to try out different Riser Recliners then you can:
Call us on: 01420 549481
Email us:
Or visit our showroom at: 25 Southview Rise, Alton, Hants, GU34 2AB.